Thursday, January 16, 2025


Following in the footsteps of the Cruzin Sampler magazine, we’ve now produced the Cruzin Magazine Shop Rag. 

The Cruzin Magazine Shop Rag is a free 16-page, A4-size publication that contains news snippets, mini-features, product alerts, event information, and our new Trade Alley Parts & Services Directory. It’s distributed at no charge to car clubs, event promotors, and retail outlets, to be given away via goodies bags, shop counters, functions, or simply a gift with purchase. It’s available now, for free, for any car clubs, event hosts, or businesses that have a use for it.

If you have a parts or service business, you can advertise in Shop Rag and be included in our new Trade Alley parts and service directory. Shop Rag will be published four times per year, and advertisers are included in the directory both in the mag and on the Cruzin Magazine website. Visit for orders and info, or call 07 3287 7686.

It's only fair to share…